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Client 7


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Client 8


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Client 2


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Why are we doing this event 

When our friend Will had an accident in october 2018 that left him paralysed from the ribs down, we knew we had to do something to help raise funds for Will, his wife Emma and their daughter Florence. 

We aim to raise funds to help Emma and Will adjust but also to help them thank the amazing staff of Sailsbury Spinal Unit and the Jersey Air ambulance service. 

So, on the 26th of August 2019, a group of Will's friends, none of them you would describe as "cyclists", will embark on a 600 mile bike rise taking them from Poole in Dorset, to Folkestone, Kent, across the Channel (Brexit permitting) and on to the Granville in France. Here they will cross to jersey where they will finish with a lap of the island supported by all of Will's family and friends and local cyclists.


We will keep you up to date with all the trainign rides, sponsorship events and saddle sores (maybe we will leave those bits out) on our journey. 


If you would like to support the event then we have fundraising page at INSERT HERE



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